Ensuring Your System’s Safety & Compatibility

We’ve been performing security analysis and how it relates to our systems, especially with third-party integrations. An essential part of this review revolves around Java, which is the backbone of your system.

Java is a popular programming language that can be used to code everything from mobile apps and enterprise software to big data applications and server-side technologies. Java is like a universal language for computers and devices. Programmers use Java to give instructions to various devices, ensuring they can perform tasks regardless of their type or size. Java is not to be confused with JavaScript, which is a web browser only language, or the Java software platform which you may have seen on your computer.

Your action items

  • 1

    Review the information

  • 2

    Decide whether you would like to proceed with the upgrade at a discounted rate

  • 3

    If you are proceeding, click the “Proceed with Java Update” button and select a payment option

  • 4
    Please ensure the form is submitted to register your request


  • The current Java version requires updating

  • Currently an optional upgrade however it will likely be mandatory in the near future

  • Upgrading now is at a discounted rate, upgrading later will not be discounted

  • Payment plans are available (Option 1)

Java has been upgraded over the years to increase security and improve its features. Other third party software such as payment gateways and POS system integrations used by your website have likewise improved over time.

We’ve been able to implement minor security upgrades to Java that allow the continued secure use of third-party libraries, however the major version upgrade has not been put forward to you previously as we were able to continue support of the third party software with the minor upgrades of the current Java version. We have also been very mindful of the recent business landscape in the timing of this recommendation considering the time and associated costs and what it would mean for you. The Java version currently in use is now out of support life, and further minor security upgrades will no longer be made available.

With the increase in cyber crime and attacks we are reaching a point where doing a major Java upgrade is not only recommended but will soon be a necessity due to dwindling third-party support for older versions, which is why we are reaching out today.

The Importance of Data Security

The trust that customers have in you with their data is invaluable. Adopting the highest security measures not only shields your business’s standing but also staunchly defends your customers’ personal and financial data against potential threats. Many retailers are being targeted, most recently Dymocks, and these breaches can add to an amount of customer data already collected which can prove incredibly detrimental to the customer. There have already been increased legal penalties when a breach occurs, and it is prudent to act now as these will only be made more robust in future.

What work will be done?

Upgrading Java to the latest long-term support release version (v17). This will require major changes to the back-end code that is used to run your website and the CMS, thorough regression testing of all system components and deployment.

How long will this work take?

The upgrade work is major and will take approximately 60 hours to make the changes, perform testing & undertake the deployment.

How much will this cost?

While such upgrades are usually priced around $8,000 EX GST, we’re extending offers for customers who elect to commence this work now:

Option 1: 12 x $500/month (EX GST) payments.
Option 2: 1 x $5,000 EX GST one-off payment.

Considering a delay?

Bear in mind that in the ensuing 6-12 months, such an upgrade will likely become a non-negotiable, given the escalating standards of third-party integrations and our own security policies. Our pricing offers above are time-sensitive (work must be approved and scheduled before 16th October 2023) and will not be applicable after this time.

We also strongly recommend ongoing security updates to put your system in the best position to combat threats and increase longevity. Security patches also often come with performance enhancements as technologies improve over time. If you also commit to ongoing updates with the Java update, you will receive a 10% discount for the lifetime of the updates. Upon acceptance of this offer we will discuss the ongoing security update options with you.

Your system’s robustness and the sanctity of customer data are our shared objectives. We’re open for a chat to discuss queries or concerns.

Reminder: Your action items

  • 1

    Review the information

  • 2

    Decide whether you would like to proceed with the upgrade at a discounted rate

  • 3

    If you are proceeding, click the “Proceed with Java Update” button and select a payment option

  • 4

    Please ensure the form is submitted to register your request